Thank You for your Support
We appreciate all the time, thought and efforts put forth to help us complete this project. It would be impossible to list all that is done for us. Thank you for all the little things and the not so little things that don't come in the form of dollars.
Bronze-up to $100, Silver-$101 to $1000, Gold-$1001+
2012 Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brug
Mrs. A. Fiedor-Shuck, Weber & Bennit,Visionary Communications Network, Case Electric
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oedekoven, Powder River Energy Corporation, Mr. Harvey Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oedekoven, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oedekoven
A huge THANKS to all who donated by helping with the Playing cards!
2011 Donors
Mr. Bob Mackey Memorial, Mrs. Audrey Kluver Memorial, Mrs. Jayne Harris Memorial
Mrs. Bruce Amende, Mrs. A. Fiedor-Shuck, Weber & Bennit,Visionary Communications Network
Mrs. Jonnie Brown Memorial, Mr. Joe Brown Memorial, Mrs. Edna Oedekoven Memorial, Big Horn Surveying, Campbell County Commissioners, Cloud Peak Energy,Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Mackey, Mr. Chris Oedegard, Mr. Mike Oedegard
In Kind Donors~ without whom our building would not be finished or furnished
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Amende, Mrs. Sandi Brug, Mr.& Mrs. James Heald, Ms. A Loetscher, Mrs. Cate Loetscher, Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Mackey, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Means, Mr. Chris Oedegard, Mr. Mike Oedegard, Mr. &Mrs. Dick Oedekoven, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oedekoven, Mr. & Mrs. Jason Oedekoven, Mr. Paul Oedekoven, Mr. Roger Oedekoven, Mr. & Mrs. Tooter Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Don Spellman, Mrs. Sue Todd, Mr. Matt Zahn
Pleasant Hour Ladies Club, Recluse Petroleum Club, S & S Builders
2010 Donors
Mr. Rod Addison Memorial, Mr. Dave Bagwell Memorial, Mrs. Betty Cotton Memorial, Mr. Guy Edwards Memorial, Mr. Ray Grams Memorial, Mrs. Mollie Kluver, Ms. A. Loetscher, Mr. Steven Sharp Memorial, Mr Henry Sickler Memorial, Ms. Becky Swartz Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Amory Hubbard, Mrs. Audrey Kluver, Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Mackey, Mr. Clifford Smith Memorial, Mr. & Mrs. Don Spellman, Visionary Communications Network
Campbell County Commissioners, Dale Buckingham Architects, Jayne Harris Memorial

2009 Donors
Ms. Karen Barlow, Mrs. Edna Oedekoven

2008 Donors
Mrs.Veda Christensen Memorial
2007 Donors
Mrs. Jean Camblin Memorial, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Gilbertz, Mr. Claude Kissack Memorial, Mrs. Patricia Sickler Memorial
Visionary Communications Network
MDU Fidelity, Wyoming Arts Council Grant

2006 Donors
Mr. Monte & Erik Brug, Mrs. Rose Chaney Memorial, S & R Haney,Mr. Paul Iddings Memorial, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Myers, Mrs. Edna Oedekoven, Mr. Jerome Schantz, Mrs. Myrna Sharp, Mrs. Bonnie Sorenson Memorial, Mrs Bernice TarverMemorial
American National Bank, Campco, Land O'Lakes, MR. Louis Reed Memorial, Visionary Communication Network
Devon Energy, Farmers Coop., First National Bank, JM Huber, Mr. George Kluver Memorial, Oedekoven Water & Hot Oil, Pinnacle Gas, Termo, Western Gas Resources, Wyoming Arts Council Grant

2005 Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Amende, Mrs. Betsy Brittian Memorial, Mrs. Ellen Cotton Memorial, Mr. & Mrs. Scott Crockett, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Floyd, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Greenough, Mr. & Mrs. Amory Hubbard, Mr. & Mrs. Jason Irvin, Mr. Allen McGee, Mrs. Carol Ann McGee, Mr. & Mrs. Duane Odegard, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Myers, L&B Creations, Mr. & Mrs. Rod McQueary, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Means, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Merrill, Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Oedekoven, Mrs. Marsha/Bambi Pownall, Mr. Sam Ratcliff, R.E. Hoyle, Inc, Mr. & Mrs. Mel Sanders, S & J Schermetzler, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sorenson, Mr. & Mrs. Don Spellman, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Spellman, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tarver, Mr. & Mrs. Claude Voiles, Mr. Frank Wallis
Mr. Robert "Jim" Amende, Mrs. Doris Greenough Memorial, Mr. & Mrs. Doug Greenough, Mrs. Thelma Lanham Memorial, Mrs. Frankie McClure Memorial, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Rule Trust, Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sorenson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sorenson, Sorenson Ranch Co., Visionary Communication Network, Mrs. Kathryn York, Mr. & Mrs. Dick Wallis, Mr. Frank Wallis, Wallis Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Don Brown, Mrs. Irene Butcher Memorial, Mr. & Mrs. Doug Greenough, Mr. Allen McGee, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oedekoven, Oedekoven Water & Hot Oil, Powder River Energy Corporation, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Rule Trust, Sorenson Ranch Co
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