Recluse Community Trust

Serving Northern Campbell County and the Recluse area

       Our Mission is to utilize the assests of the trust for public benefit and for the encouragement of historical, educational, charitable and literary activities

By-laws and Policies

ARTICLE INAME                            ARTICLE II -MISSION








  The name of the organization shall be the Recluse Community Trust.  It shall be a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Wyoming.


 The mission of the publicly supported Trust shall be to utilize the assets of the Trust for the public benefit and use of the Recluse community, and for the encouragement of historical, educational, charitable, and literary activities.


 The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of January and end on the 31st day of December.  The budget shall be set at the 4th quarter meeting. The Board shall approve the budget and all expenditures must be within budget.  Any expenditure outside of the budget shall be pre-approved by the Board or the Executive Committee. 


Membership shall consist of the Board of Directors. The size of the Board shall be no less than nine (9) nor more than fifteen (15) members.


Section 1- Votes:  Each member is entitled to one vote.

Section 2- Quorum:  A quorum is defined as one more than half the elected Board Members.  A quorum must be present for business transactions to take place and motion to pass.


  Section 1 – Members: 

a)      The Board shall consist of four designated members of the Recluse Pleasant Hour Club, and four designated members of the Recluse Petroleum Club.

b)      The remaing Board Members shall be nominated and elected by the current Board of Directors.

c)      The Board of Directors may appoint Honorary members. An honorary member shall have no official voting privileges and shall not count towards a quorum of the board.

Section 2 – Terms: All Members duly elected by the Board of Directors or appointed by the respective clubs shall serve three year terms, however, initial terms may be modified so that the terms are staggered in such a way that the majority of the Board does not change in any one year.

Section 3 – Board Elections: At the fourth quarter meeting, the Board of Directors shall elect Board Members to replace those whose terms will expire at the end of the fiscal year. This election shall take place during a regular meeting of the Board called in accordance with the provision of these by-laws.

 Section 4 – Election Procedures: New directors shall be elected by a majority of Board Members present at such a meeting, provided there is a quorum present.  Board Members so elected shall serve a term commencing January 1 of the year following election.

 A.     Nominating Procedure:

 1. Any board member may nominate one or more candidates to fill vacant seats on the board.

 2. Nominees may include, but are not limited to, sitting board members.

 3. A deadline for receipt of the nominations shall be determined by the board of directors, but a minimum of one week shall be allowed for nominations to be received.

 4.  The nominations shall be made by fax, mail, or e-mail to the secretary.

 5. The nominations shall include the name of the nominee and a brief statement citing his or her qualifications for a seat on the board.   

 6. Following the board designated deadline the secretary shall e-mail all the nominations and a ballot to each sitting board member. These may also be faxed or mailed at a board member’s request.

    B. Voting Procedure: 

 1. The election for new board members shall take place at the first meeting after    the designated deadline or as soon as possible thereafter.

 2. If a board member cannot be at the meeting that has been designated by the board for the election of new board members, he or she may vote absentee by fax or e-mail to the secretary, or by mailing the ballot to the Recluse Community Trust, PO Box 72, Recluse Wyoming 82725 .  A board member shall be appointed to pick up the ballots from the post box just before the election.   

 3. Board members shall vote on the first ballot for the same number of nominees as there are vacant seats on the board.

 4. A nominee must receive a majority of votes to win a seat on the board. A majority is described as one more than half the board members voting, including those present at the meeting and those voting by absentee ballot. 

 5. If there are not enough nominees who received a majority of votes to fill all the vacant seats after the first ballot, a second vote shall commence for the remaining vacant seat (or seats) from the remaining nominees who did not receive a majority vote on the first ballot.

 6. Only board members present at the meeting shall vote on the second and any subsequent ballots. A majority shall be one more than half of the members voting.

 7. If a third or fourth ballot is necessary; the nominee who received the fewest votes on the preceding ballot shall be dropped from the list of nominees.

 Section 5-Powers: The Board is responsible for overall policy, direction, and financial status of the organization.

 Section 6-Compensation:  There will be no compensation to board members.

 Section 7 – Interested Persons: The Board shall follow the Conflict of Interest Policy  regarding interested persons

 Section 8 – Vacancies:  When a vacancy on the Board exists mid-term, the Secretary shall receive nominations for new members from present board members.  These  nominations shall be sent out to board members with the regular board meeting   announcement, to be voted upon at the next board meeting.  These vacancies will be filled only to the end of the particular board member’s term.

 Section 9 – Resignation and Termination:  Resignation from the Board must be in writing      and received by the Secretary.  A board member may be removed by a three fourths (3/4) vote of the Board of Directors.


 Section 1 – Officers:  There shall be four officers of the Board, consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

 Section 2- Term:  The term of office shall be one year.

 Section 3- Vacancies:  In the event of death, resignation, or incapacity of the President, the Vice-President shall become the President for the unexpired portion of the term.

 Section 4 – Removal:  Any officer may be removed at any time by three fourths (3/4) vote of the Board of Directors.  Removal shall be for just cause.


 Section 1-Elections:  A President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the fourth quarter meeting.

 Section 2-Nominations:  Nominations shall be made from the floor.  Nominees shall give their consent. 

 Section 3-Majority:  Any nominee receiving a majority of all votes cast for any office shall be declared elected.  If a nominee does not receive a majority, another ballot shall be taken on the two candidates who receive the largest number of votes.  At that time, the nominee receiving the majority of votes shall be declared elected. 


 Section 1- President

a.       The President shall convene Board meetings

b.       The President shall preside or arrange for other members of the Executive           Committee to preside at each meeting

c.        The President shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee

d.       The President shall appoint all committee Chairs

e.       The President may sign legal documents on behalf of the Recluse Community Trust with board approval of such documents.

 Section 2-Vice-President

a.       The Vice-President shall preside at board meetings when requested by the President.

b.      The Vice-President shall become President for the unexpired term in case of death, resignation or incapacity of the President

c.       The Vice-President shall assist the President as requested. 

d.      The Vice-President shall preside at the meetings of the Finance Committee

work closely with the Treasurer to oversee investing, prepare the budget and develop fund raising plans.

e.       The Vice-President shall serve on the Executive Committee

 Section 3-Secretary

a.       The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes of all board meetings, send out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each board  member, and assuring that corporate records are maintained

b.      The Secretary shall serve on the Executive Committee.

Section 4-Treasurer

a.       The Treasurer shall oversee financial operations for the Trust and make a report at each meeting.

b.      The Treasurer shall serve on the Finance Committee, assist in the preparation of the budget, and make financial information available to Board Members and the public.

c.       The Treasurer shall serve on the Executive Committee


 Section 1-Members:  The four officers serve as the members of the Executive Committee. 

 Section 2-Powers:  Except for the power to amend the articles of incorporation and bylaws, the Executive Committee shall have all the powers and authority of the Board of Directors in the intervals between meetings of the Board of Directors and is subject to the direction and control of the Board.


 Section 1– Meetings:  The Board shall meet at least quarterly, at an agreed upon time and place.

 Section 2-Attendance:  Board members are expected to attend the majority of scheduled meetings in a year. Board members shall miss no more than two consecutive meetings without an excused absence.  Board members may be excused by contacting one of the executive committee members with the reason for their absence.

 Section 3 –Special Meetings:  Special meetings of the Board shall be called upon the request of the President, or at the request of any two board members.


 Section 1 – Committee Formation:  The Board may create committees as needed. The Board President appoints all committee chairs.  All committees must be chaired by a member of the Board, however, the President may appoint any individuals who may be deemed appropriate by the Board, to serve on committees.

 Section 2 – Finance Committee:  The Vice-President is the chair of the Finance Committee, which includes the Treasurer and at least three other board members.  The Finance Committee is responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures, fundraising plan, and annual budget to be approved by the Board of Directors.  Annual reports are required to be submitted to the Board showing income, expenditures, and pending income.  The financial records of the organization are public information and shall be made available to the board members and the public.


 Section 1 – Bank Accounts:  The treasurer shall open and manage bank accounts as designated by the Board of Directors.  All accounts shall require two signatures.   

Section 2 – Signers on Bank Accounts:  The Board of Directors shall designate signers on all bank accounts. 


 Section 1 – Amendments:  These bylaws may be amended when necessary by a majority of the Board of Directors.  Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Secretary to be sent out with regular board announcements.


 These bylaws were approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 12-23-2005.

These bylaws were amended at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 8-11-2006

These bylaws were amended at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 9-24-2006.

These bylaws were amended at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 11-13-2006. 

These bylaws were amended at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 11-21-2009.

These bylaws were amended at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 3-3-2010.

These bylaws were amended at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 10-14-2011.

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I.             The trust board shall have the facts and figures about how much something will cost and where the money will come from before funds are committed.

 II.        The treasurer is directed by the trust to present all bills to the trust board before writing checks for these expenses.

 III.      Any action taken in the name of the Trust must be presented to the board for approval.

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